
SOLUZION acts a Hosting Site for a wide range of Community and DRR and ‘Needs’ Initiatives 

All technologies presented and discussed within our website are systems devised and owned by others, with whom we may have worked with and contributed to their development or we believe by the fact of its understatement or its lead within the sector could make significant contributions to sustainability and to Disaster Risk Reduction 
‘Soluzion’ makes a significant contribution to bringing the science to DRR strategy  including Seismic Forecasting; Real Time Early Warning; Water Resource Management; Atmospheric Modification addressing air pollution and rain enhancement;  Developing Resilience within the Built Environment; Developing DRR Legal framework mechanisms.
The UN Sendai Framework is a critical mechanism for Global Strategy in developing Disaster Risk Reduction strategies for creating resilience to Natural Hazards and Climate Change within all communities
This YouTube UN presentation explains the background and goals to the Sendai Framework [link]


Early Warning Systems  –  Water Resource Management   Waste Management  –  DRR Strategy  –  Safe Schools

With a Significant footprint in Nepal addressing Needs, Gaps and Enhancement of

Capacity Building within Master Planning Initiatives


“Water, Environment and Risk, +Education”

 A Signed MOU with PAN   The Principals Association of Nepal as the Implementation Agency 

for all Initiatives across the 27,000 Community Schools in Nepal

to support the PAN “2024 Kathmandu Declaration”


As NEPAL Partners with UNDRR Incheon GETI Office & GADRRRES Members

Prioritising Comprehensive School Safety across Nepal

Through Collaborations and Platform Development Including

‘CARE PLUS’ The Inclusivity Platform and School Nursing Enhanced Assessment Team Initiative for Physical, Mental and Social Challenges, ensuring every child has access, is not withheld, and enjoys equal opportunity to safe facility education, and inclusive participation in activities

WEaRE also Embraces

Bespoke Water Resource Management Challenges

embracing the 

“Kathmandu Valley Water Resource Management Initiative”


Latest Publications:

 Articles written by the Soluzion Team

Generating Resilience within Earthquake Risk
‘Earths’ Last Bastion of GeoPhysical Disaster Defiance Potentially Tamed
A Novel Advanced Earthquake Early Warning System


“Agriculture Development Opportunities For Diversification And Sustainable Enhancement Strategies For Nepal”

Agriculture Development Opportunities For Diversification And Sustainable Enhancement Strategies For Nepal [referenced]

“Water Resource Management Discussions”


“The Joys and Challenges of Desalination”

Published online by “Water World” India

The Joys and Challenges of Desalination. Water World. Published online Nov 2019. pdf

“Water Crisis and its Underlying issues”

Published online by “Agriculture World” India   

Published Aug 2019. Agriculture World India. Water Resource Management
Agriculture World Magazine  August 2019 Full Issue

AW August’ 2019 Web        


Waste Management Strategy discussions



Introducing a new approach


Earthquake Early Warning

EEWS Latest News Release : 

“Advanced Earthquake Early Warning” AEEWS is providing 95%+ reliable location and magnitude and narrow time window of the event occurrence hours to several days in advance by real-time monitoring of the genesis of earthquake events. Fact: Earthquakes in 2005 Pakistan 17,000 and 2010 Sichuan 10,000 children killed at their desks.  10,000 children in Sri Lanka alone in the 2004 Tsunami. Thousands more across the region.

After 20 years of research and development, scientists established the Ertha team and ‘packaged’ a methodology of tracking the potential earthquake emergence during its preceding weeks, culminating in identifying the genesis of an event, generating reliable advanced warnings by monitoring the multiple individual ground and satellite anomaly precursors triggered within a region of earthquake development.

ERTHA SIGMA approach uses ground and space-born observations to detect the very distinct signature of the lithosphere- atmosphere -ionosphere coupling, which can occur only when the physical earthquake preparation process is activated, immediately after the earthquake triggering. SIGMA, a Multiparameter analysis of reliable short-term precursors, is monitoring the earthquake geneses, from the triggering, up to the final seismic rupture. In the final stage, SIGMA produces advanced early warning information hours/days before the main rupture, which is generated based on a multilayer sensor-web system solution. If SIGMA registers no earthquake triggering process in the focus region with no specific processes associated with the earthquake geneses, then SIGMA will confirm that no major natural earthquake is likely.

The AEEWS in the preceding weeks first identifies the areas of potential seismic activity, culminating in the game-changer of the Advanced Earthquake Early Warning System’s ability to confirm “time location size” providing confirmed hours of advanced warning for lower magnitude to days for higher magnitude events both on land and offshore, including aftershocks, whilst differentiating from volcanic events too.  AEEW multi-sensor integrated satellite-ground System capable of detecting warning anomalies up to 21 days in advance of seismic activity. The final confirmation is based on the combined SIGMA patterns identification analysis, offering multiple hours AEW with M4.5/ M5 magnitudes, increasing AEW with magnitude, to days.

The warning provision is up to 4+ days advance early warning (with 95 %+ confidence) of impending earthquakes of M7+ with epicenter location (+/- 30-50 KM) at any specific geographical location in the Nepal/ North India focused region, within the 3 years initial project period. By now incorporating our latest scientist’s development, the SIGMA data following proper validation with real field data, we anticipate that extending the 4days advanced warning could be considered after the SETP phase. It is presently proposed a broad ground observation across the Central Asia region to facilitate the project focus upon Nepal, potentially embracing the highly populated northern India, within 24 months of setup.

Apart from all other financial and monetary benefits, a functional AEEWS for would ensure 1) A significant reduction of lives lost especially in Schools and 2) A substantive minimization of injuries because of a timely advanced warning of impending earthquakes. 

A potentially trained and prepared society, formally coordinated by authorities in the preceding days of an event; with improved disaster response and crisis management opportunities, plus a reduction of preventable material losses, are examples of multiple AEEWS benefits to any seismically vulnerable nation.

This multi-component integrated observation system has been pioneered by lead scientist Dr. Dimitar Ouzounov (US/EU), and a significant contributory wider International Science team. Dr.Ouzounov initiated this research while with NASA in the 90s onwards. Since then, we have developed a significant ‘research and proving’ database and gradual inclusion of multiple contributors to create this now reliable game changer system, AEEWS. This is all generated from space-ground analysis of physical changes in the atmosphere and ionosphere, cross-correlated with ground sensing of multiple waves of different nature: seismic, EM, geo-gases, and acoustic-gravity emissions in their various forms, that occur during the different stages of an earthquake genesis.       We have an excellent opportunity to tame the consequences of Earthquakes.

AEEWS Combined Briefings. Project Proposal. Benefits. Science.


Environmental Technologies

[Poor Water Resource Management is Earths Nemesis]


Water Resource Management 

We launched yet another exciting breakthrough for solutions in DRR
on the IGNITE Stage  at
UN 2019 Global Platform Conference Geneva  May 13th to 17th 2019
Extracting purified water from the atmosphere is the next big resource industry. An untapped reservoir 
Below is the power point presentation . plus the video of the full presentation
1100hrs 17-5-19m IGNITE Atmospheric Water generation GP2019 F1
link to Video of the IGNITE presentation          https://www.unisdr.org/conference/2019/globalplatform/programme/ignite-stage/view?id=1059

Actual System Activation Video

Real Earthquake Alarm Activation Video recording within Chengdu – Sichuan Province –  China –  May 27th 2011 soluzion quake demo

Launch Press Release Summary and full doc.

A Consortium of Chinese Scientists[Institute of Care Life] and International Disaster Reduction Consultants [Verus Vicis SOLUZION Consortio LLP] after four years of developing the dynamic real time early warning system branded SOLUZION launch to the world at the UN Global Platform Geneva offering both a networked system for governments and critical infrastructure plus integrated personal …

Launch Video Presentation 15mins

15 minute Video of the Launch at the UN Global Platform meeting in Geneva on the IGNITE stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aXXNKzOhtlY Powerpoint that accompanies the 15min Video presentation IGNITEpresentation~16h45

"Early warning systems offer best hope for disaster prevention" The FINANCIAL May7th

FINANCIAL Saturday, May 7, 2011 News Making Money Early warning systems offer best hope for disaster prevention 06/05/2011 09:01 (1 Day 03:24 minutes ago) The FINANCIAL — The earthquake and tsunami that struck the north-eastern coast of Japan on 11 March, was a tragedy for the thousands of people who lost their lives and livelihoods. …

Latest independent Test News Report 25-4-2011

Latest independent Test News Report 25-4-2011 from within China , Chengdu http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2011-04-25/162422355103.shtml [Translation of NewsPaper Report] http://www.sina.com.cn 16:24 April,25th,2011 ChinaNews (http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2011/04-25/2996459.shtml) April 25th Xinhua Chengdu (Week Didier) “The latest earthquake early warning system developed in Chengdu  Only 4 seconds after the earthquake, earthquake early warning issued” “Twenty-two, twenty-one…” at 13:05:45 on April 25th, the latest …

Campaigns supported by SOLUZION

Setting the Scene Hazard profiles presented on PreventionWeb http://www.preventionweb.net/english/hazards/statistics/?hid=60 This hazard profiles presented on PreventionWeb is an analysis of the mortality and economic loss risk for Earthquakes. It sets the scene outlining the consequences of Earthquakes and other Natural Hazards. It identifies the vulnerability of specific countries which host the communities within the “Making Cities Resilient: My …

Western China has built the world’s largest earthquake early warning system

Western China has built the world’s largest earthquake early warning system Mar 18, 2013 2:09 Source: Chinanews.com 2018 updates in Red By Zhou Didi and Liu Yanjun (China news agency, Chengdu ) The Institute of Care-life,[ICL]Chengdu, which is supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, China Earthquake Administration and Sichuan Bureau of Science …

Prioritization & Methodology

Prioritization   This must address the lack of early warnings for the potential instant devastating events such as Earthquakes and Tsunamis and Tornados, Flash Floods, Landslides. However this does not mean that the safe build programs are omitted, withdrawn or scaled down or that DR Education is cut back and even not initiated. All approaches …

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