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Earthquake Early Warning Systems

Our commitment to establishing

Earthquake Early Warning

Launch of  AEEWS

Advanced Earthquake Early Warning System

AEEWS Combined Briefings. Project Proposal. Benefits. Science.

Advanced Earthquake Early Warning” AEEWS. providing 99% reliable location and magnitude and narrow time window of the event occurrence hours to days in advance. Not Prediction. Not Forecasting. Not Statistical. Real monitoring of the genesis of earthquake events. 

After 20 years development, the Ertha Tech Team have ‘packaged’ a methodology of tracking the potential earthquake emergence during its preceding weeks, culminating in identifying the genesis of an event, generating reliable advanced warnings, by monitoring the multiple individual regional ground and satellite anomaly precursors and finally its generated resonance. The AEEWS is a combination of observation, monitoring, and analysis of several independent precursors. Our groundbreaking identification and analysis of Physical gravitational-seismic processes reveals the precise earthquake hypocenter energy release location.

The AEEWS in the preceding weeks, first identifies the areas of potential seismic activity, culminating in the game changer of Advanced Earthquake Early Warning System’s ability to confirm “time location size” providing confirmed hours of advanced warning for lower magnitude to days for higher magnitude events both on land and at sea including following aftershocks….. and differentiating and identifying volcanic events too in advance.

Obviously, the benefits of such a system are phenomenal crossing all seismic vulnerable sectors of society [$71trillion of ‘at risk’ assets to earthquakes globally and millions of lives].

We have prepared the usual documents to support this Project including science papers, benefits briefings, and project proposal documents with its initial set up $33m budget, for the ‘suggested’ initial three years implementation, including establishing three key scientific and data collation centres in Nepal, ground sensor analysis in EU(Bulgaria) and satellite analysis in US, close to the science equipment production in Canada. The first phase suggested road map can be modified to expand embracing additional geographical locations and vulnerable countries such as Indonesia, Philippines and Pacific Islands and New Zealand, or and back into Europe and North Africa. Project proposals can be modified being simply reliant upon capacity build and appropriate available budgets. The ultimate network goal is global.

Our objective initially before going global, is for a live demonstration focusing on Nepal with a South Asia wide AEEW network System capable of detecting warning anomalies up to 15 days in advance of seismic activity. The final confirming is based on the network analysis of its seismo-gravity wave patterns offering multiple hours with M4.5/ M5 magnitudes. The warning provision is up to 4+ days advance early warning (with 99 % confidence) of impending earthquakes (EQ) of M7+ with epicenter location (+/- 30 KM) at any specific geographical location in the Nepal/ North India focused region, within the 3 years initial project period. It is presently proposed that sensor network systems will be distributed from South Korea, Taiwan to Kazakhstan, India, Bulgaria, Israel to Myanmar to facilitate the project and intends including the whole of northern India, with its majority population, to begin benefit equally to Nepal within 18months of set up.

Our objective initially before going global, is for a live demonstration focusing on  Nepal with a South Asia wide AEEW network System capable of detecting precursor anomalies up to 15 days in advance of seismic activity, eventually confirming an event by detection of its resonance offering multiple hours with M4.5/ M5 magnitudes,  with an increasing provision up to 4+ days advance early warning (with 99 % confidence) of impending earthquakes (EQ) of M7+ with epicenter location (+/- 30 KM) at any specific geographical location in the Nepal/ North India focused region, within the 3 years initial project period. It is presently proposed that sensor network systems will be distributed from South Korea, Taiwan to Kazakhstan, India, Bulgaria, Israel to Myanmar to facilitate the project and intends including the whole of northern India, with its majority population, to begin benefit equally to Nepal within 18months of set up.

This system has been pioneered by lead scientist Dr. Dimitar Ouzounov (Virginia USA) and direct partners in Israel plus a significant contributory wider International Science team. Dimitar initiated this research whilst with NASA in the 90s onwards.  Since then, the team has expanded and have been developing a significant ‘research and proving’ data base and gradual inclusion of multiple contributors to enable the creation of this now reliable game changer system, AEEWS.      This is not a statistical nor prediction process; it is all generated from pure analysis of physical changes and the final confirmation is initiated from the physical genesis of the actual ‘earthquake’ from its hypocenter, all in advance.   Interesting!

AEEWS Vision Statement

The long term objective of the AEEWS is to enable elimination of casualties during earthquakes creating sufficient early warning to also enable multiple mitigation processes to be introduced to protect and minimise asset losses  creating a robust and sustainable preparedness and response strategy to earthquakes across all of society

Since 2009 Soluzion has been supporting the development of Earthquake Early Warning System collaborating with various Science groups, encouraging and presenting their development


A Consortium ofChineseScientists[Institute of Care Life] and International Disaster Reduction Consultants [Verus Vicis SOLUZION Consortio LLP] after four years of developing the dynamic real time early warning system branded SOLUZION launch to the world at the UN Global Platform Geneva offering both a networked system for governments and critical infrastructure plus integrated personal devices for the home and individual, communicating extended time of early warnings prior to earthquake shock waves, landslides and numerous other natural hazards striking communities, industry, military facilities, supply infrastructure, hospitals and schools.


The Challenge:

What if everyone could get ‘real time’ early warnings of Earthquakes, Landslides, Tsunamis, Cyclones and Floods, straight into their homes, offices, hospital and school? SOLUZION now offers the opportunity to Governments, Emergency Services, Military and Industry to protect its citizens, personnel and
employees and critical supply infrastructure! “In fact SOLUZION offers this opportunity direct to every individual” A dynamic solution of natural hazard event sensor integration and extensive alarm communication providing realistic early warnings

What the SOLUZION system provides:

An opportunity to integrate with other hazard type early warning systems providing a united communication and data integration facility, relaying real time warnings through Disaster Management Centres potentially to every individual within an affected region using Wireless, Ethernet, Satellite and SMS technology and additional bespoke pagers. The inherent dynamics within all SOLUZION sensors, relays, transceivers and software systems allows a multitude of future opportunities to develop and integrate as real time early warning technology and ‘reliable prediction’ science unfolds within multiple hazard types.

How does SOLUZION  support creating earthquake early warning since 2009?

Before the evolution of understanding the genesis of an earthquake, our only option was P-Wave detection. The post rupture sensors detect the P-Wave which travels ahead of the destructive S-Wave. Sensing and communicating the difference in the arrival of the two waves, allows a real time of multiple seconds early warning, enabling individuals to take immediate precautionary actions in preparation to the earthquakes arrival; these vital seconds of early warning makes the potential difference between life and death, ensuring that individuals are not taken by surprise whilst in work, at school or at home asleep. 

SOLUZION can dramatically reduce the casualty costs by providing a comprehensive system.

“ In Japan 2 seconds of early warning time can reduce casualties by 25% with 5 seconds warning potentially reducing casualty rates by 80%” Japan (REIC)

The ‘crucial SOLUZION difference’ is that it extends real time early warnings beyond all existing ‘p-wave receiving’ technologies by a radio broadcast from its’ epi-centre devices leapfrogging the p-wave within the networked region providing up to twice the early warning time of other existing post event systems, Combined with the AEEWS we now offer up to 30 days lead in of identifying potential seismic activity sites, followed by a confirmation by detecting the geo magnetic waves followed by post event last minute warnings beyond already evacuated epicentral blind zones.

Seismic event ‘casualty cost’
case study

Table 3 Value of casualties in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake,USA in 1994 US$ (Porter et al., in press).

Seismic event ‘casualty cost’ case study [full doc link]

Table 3 Value of casualties in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake,USA in 1994 US$ (Porter et al., in press).

If injuries in the 1994 Northridge earthquake are representative of injuries in future U.S. events, then the economic value of future earthquake injuries— the amount that the U.S. government would deem appropriate to expend to prevent all such injuries—is on the order of $200 million per year (in 2005 constant dollars). Of this figure, 96% is associated with nonfatal injuries.

With the AEEWS, providing hours and days of confirmed early warning, with strategised response, potentially eliminates all casualties.

A key SOLUZION Development

A good p-wave system provides benefit of a “fast earthquake disaster reporting system”, where the software is now able to report the intensity and distribution of quakes almost immediately after they strike using the networked SOLUZION System devices. It took more than 2 days to realize the disaster distribution in China 2008 earthquake. Now SOLUZION can determine the scale of a seismic event within three minutes inside a networked region.


Together Creating the Dynamic SOLUZION‘ for providing an integrated multiple hazard ‘Real Time Early Warning’ system to Governments, Industry, Hospitals, Schools and Individuals, offering an gigantic advance in disaster resilience for vulnerable communities throughout the world.

The SOLUZION Team are seeking to collaborate with Seismologists to develop comprehensive earthquake early warning, integrated with messaging and response supported training.

The SOLUZION team wants to work with you. This is not a competition but  it is a race to save lives.

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